After installation and printer configuration is completed, we can check the INTAMSUITE NEO 2023 software main interface. The main elements of the software interface are described below.
When INTAMSUITE is first launched, a step-by-step guide to the entire slicing process will pop up. The entire slicing and printing process, from the project -study creation to printer material process configuration, can be easily navigated.
Rotate: Rotate the graphic view Angle with the left mouse button.
Pan: Drag the pan view with the right mouse button
Fine-tuning: Top right View cube after the mouse is docked, hold down the Rotate, Zoom, and Pan buttons to drag and drop the fine-tuning view.
Gizmo: Select the model, then we can get the gizmo to adjust model location , scale and orientation.
Viewcube: Control graphic view by clicking the face or edge of view cube. Home to go back to default view;
Orthotropic/Perspective mode switch on the top-right.
on the bottom, there are fine-tuning commands, hold down the Rotate, Zoom, and Pan buttons to drag and drop the fine-tuning view
Click the main menu on the top-left side to invoke the application main menu:
1) New Project: User can create a new project, models are shared on the same project
2) Open Project: Can open a saved project, supported .itm, .ptm and .3mf files
3) Save project and Save Project as: User can choose to save project or save project as another file in different file formats. .ptm will contain g-code files so user don't need to slice again before checking the results. .itm won't save g-code files, user can open the project file with models and settings, then slice again to preview.
4) Import Models and Export Models: User can import model or export selected models
5) Preview G-code and Export G-code: user can preview gcode in current project or a new project.
6) Library: User can view and manage printer, materials, profiles and Nozzles library.
7) Preference: can set default languages,printers and also the default settings. the settings can be kept through different versions.
Context Menu in graphic area:
Right-mouse-click on the blank graphic area to invoke below context menu.
1) Auto Arrange all models on Build plate.
2) Reset All models to their original state, include location, rotation and scale initial state.
3) Clear all models on build plate
4) Select all models on the build plates
5) Revert the selection
6) Clear all selection
Context Menu On model:
Right-mouse-click on the selected model(s) to invoke below context menu.
1)Selecting by model print mode on priner with two extruders, user can set print model with specified material. Refer to Print mode for detail.
2) Put the seleceted model(s) on to the center of the build plate
3) Save the model as original, can remember the current state of model as original
4) If you move or mocify the model unexpectedly, reset the selected model(s) can recover the mocel to its original state.
5) Delete the selected model(s)
6) Duplicate the models:it can clone the model in specifiedy copies. Refer to Duplicate Model for detail.
7) Scale the model to fit the boundary of the build plate
8)Group/Ungroup selected models, refer to Grouping models for detail.
Context Menu On Support Blocker:
Right-mouse-click on the selected support blocker(s) to invoke below context menu.
1)Save the Support blocker's location/size/orientation as original
2) Reset the selected support blocker to its original position
3) Delete selected blockers
4) Delete all blockers
Context Menu on Browser:
Select or hover the study node or Profile node in Browser.
Ribbon menu contains the features and commands. the ribbon menuas are designed in different workspace described above.
In Home panel, user can finish the printing task by clicking the commands one by one under this tab.
New Study: duplicate a new study in the browser panel, user can try another combination of slicing settings
Add Model: Add a model or multi models, also support dragging .stl or CAD files in other formats
Printer: Select a printer type to slice and print the model
Print Mode: Select a print mode for the printing models , refer to print mode for detail.
Extruder: Select materials and nozzles, can recommend support material according to the main material.
Profile: Select slicing profile or specify custom profiles, can view/adjust profile parameters though detail settings, refer to Profile for detail.
Slice: Execute slicing
Export: can export g-code or *.ifp file for printing
Results: Check Preview results, refer to Preview Environment below for detail.
Print: Go to remote print dashboard or connect with printers in local area network. refer to remote print for detail.
In Model tab, user can manipulate models.
In Modification panel, provide tools to move, scale, rotate models and also convenient tool to orientate model.
In Layout panel, can duplicate, arrange and clear models.
Also provide tool to group or ungroup models
In Support tab, user can create support auto blocker (auto-scale or default scale)
Hover the overhang surface and click on it, to generate support blocker that we don't want support generated under it. (especially for some small holes or small undercuts)
In Manage panel, user can duplicate/edit custom printers, materials, profiles and nozzles.
In View tab , user can change view of models or the graphic area.
In Display panel, can change the display of model as solid, mesh or X-Ray (transparent).
In View Point panel, can change different viewpoint of graphic area.
Full Screen Mode: clean the UI, hide all the ribbon bar, Press Esc to quit full screen mode.
Hide Plate: Hide/Show Build plate to check model or g-code clearly
In Results tab, user can do animation or step by step, layer by layer check on slicing results.
In G-code panel, can export gcode, print gcode on remote printer, also we can add pause during printing (note: need to upgrade to latest FW/SW on your printer)
In Compare panel, can enter compare workspace after clicking it.
In Compare tab, user can compare two studies in the project. User Lock view and Lock Height to view g-code from 2 studies in same view point and same height.
In Help Tab, user can find information about INTAMSUITE NEO.
About to display the software version.
Help: Quick guide to tour the GUI of software; help to skip the on-line help document
Update: Check the updates and what's new.
User can swith to different workspace environment by selecting the environments, each environment represent each stage in processing the printing jobs.
After slicing, we can check the slicing results Layer by Layer, Step by Step, also check the Color Scheme Legend, Estimate in detail.