Normal: Only one extruder of the printer work at a time, and two extruders take turn to print. Usually one is used to print model and the other one for auxiliary structures or helpers.
Mirror: The printer with independent dual extruders prints two symmetrical models at a time during the 3D printing process. It only works for FUNMAT PRO 310.
Duplicate: The printer with independent dual extruders prints two identical models at a time during the 3D printing process to get production efficiency improved, and the size, angle and orientation of the two printed models are exactly the same. It only works for FUNMAT PRO 310.
By Feature: A model is usually seperated into serveral parts or features so that you can define different print settins on each of them to achieve your printing strategy, such as multiple materials design, high surface quality but normal inside to save print time, or a certain amount of infill density inside to reduce material consumption. Take printing a block as example, it consists of 7 features which are printed by layers.
Top surface skin
Top shells
Outer wall
Inner wall
Bottom shells
Bottom surface skin
Two sections views of the print model for the block. Helpers for printing are not shown here , like supports, build plate adhension and prime tower
By Model: All of the parts or features (outer wall, inner wall, infill etc.) of all models on build plate should be printed with the same material, you have no way to work with multiple-material design model, but you can still configure other print prarameters (wall thickess, print speed etc.) for each features, except some shared ones like layer heights.
If there are multiple models placed on the build plate, you can choose to print them in two colors, especially if it is an assembly model. We can assign different materials to them in order to get two colors on the model by following these steps: