1. The thermal sensor is placed on the left wall on print chamber. Disconnect the main power.
2. Remove left and back cover of machine with knob wrench. Figure 2.5 - 1
3. 3. Remove the 2 screws on the arm of main switch and put it aside. Figure 2.5 - 2
4. Remove the 4 lock nuts with 5.5mm socket driver and remove the cover of fans. Figure 2.5 - 2
5. Remove the 6 screws to take the fans off with 2.5 mm Allen-Key (Figure 2.5 - 3).
6. Now the temp sensor is available after removing the 2 fans. Figure 2.5 - 4
7. Unplug J9 on the main board. Cut the cable ties as needed and release the cable of sensor.
8. Remove the 2 screws and take the sensor off.